Posts categorized "Ladies knight"

Alexandra and Andrea Botez will be attending our US Chess Girls Club ZOOM on January 28th at 6 PM EST. The weekly club for US Chess members ( renew...
Jennifer Shahade invites a longtime friend on a very special episode of Ladies Knight: US Chess Creative Director Frankie Butler. The talented...
On Thursday, January 14th WGM Nadya Ortiz will talk about the importance of having a fighting spirit to our Girls Club for US Chess Members. Nadya...
Award-winning author, New Yorker writer and psychology PHD Maria Konnikova enters the GRID to talk about her first book, Mastermind: How to Think… Read More »
The next edition of the Madwoman's Book Club will be on Friday, December 18th at 8 PM EST and will feature award-winning author Maria Konnikova's… Read More »
Jennifer interviews Robin and Sarah Ramson for the October edition of Ladies Knight podcast.
Grandmaster and seven-time US Women's Champion Irina Krush was our most recent guest on Ladies Knight, where she spoke about her chess business, GM...
The September edition of Ladies Knight features legendary Grandmaster and seven-time US Women's Champion Irina Krush. Irina and Jennifer talk about...
The artist and singer Juga of will lead our next Thursday night ZOOM class for our girls club with an inspiring talk and Q+A on chess…
IM Dorsa Derakhshani will speak to our ZOOM girls club on August 27th at 6 PM EDT about the "Power of Preparation."