Posts categorized "Kids"

Bovey Liu-- Atulya Vaidya, Photo Brian Yang The biggest battle at the Junior Open every year is for the coveted spot in the next year’s Junior...Read… Read More »
13-year-old Awonder Liang just earned his first GM norm at the Continental Championships held in San Salvador, El Salvador May 28-June 5, 2016. There… Read More »
US Amateur East co-champion Keshav Rao vs. Stephen Hrop in the sixth round Could the graybeards win out in the end? Could they really rebuff the...… Read More »
Our final National Spring Scholastic wrapped up a couple weeks ago, but memories are still vivid from the Elementary Nationals held at the Gaylord...… Read More »
Throwback picture of Josh Colas and Justus Williams at Chess in the Parks. Both will be attending Webster University in the Fall. Photo Elizabeth...… Read More »
Alex Velikanov, Photo Charlotte Chess Center When the average chess player thinks of the areas in the US most likely to produce high level chess...… Read More »
After seven hard fought rounds of play, we have our National Champions! Some of the biggest names in U.S. chess history got their start by winning… Read More »
Kids are often underrated and so it's normal to see one or two of the top seeds go down in National Scholastics. However at the National Elementary… Read More »
You usually expect a few upsets at Nationals, but no one expected what happened in Round 1 this year. In the K-6 Championship, 1348 rated Dominic...… Read More »
Maximillian Lu, top seed in the K-5 Nationals, here shown playing Sultan Al Darmaky of the UAE in South Africa, Photo Reint Dykema The Elementary...… Read More »