Posts categorized "Kids"

The Frank P. Samford Jr. Chess Fellowship is pleased to announce its thirty-second consecutive annual award. The Fellowship was created by the late… Read More »
Rochelle Wu (Alabama), is cruising at the National Girls Tournament of Champions. She has 4.5/5 after a fifth round draw against Saithanu Avireni of… Read More »
In the old days, the kickoff of the U.S. Open Chess Championship was, let’s say, a bit sleepy. Sure, there were grandmasters to ogle. But any boiling… Read More »
The beautiful site of the 118th US Open, Photo Franc Guadalupe, US Chess Events Director As the US Open in Norfolk, Virginia approaches, top seeds...… Read More »
Since this heritage tournament was originally founded and first held in Berkeley, CA, bringing it back to this location was extremely important...… Read More »
Two Alexes reigned in Northfield, Minnesota, the site of the US Junior Open and US Senior Open from July 21-23. Our new US Senior Open Champion, Alex… Read More »
ST. LOUIS, July 24, 2017 - The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (CCSCSL), in cooperation with the Kasparov Chess Foundation (KCF), U.S… Read More »
GM Alex Yermolinsky The US Junior and Senior Opens are underway now in Northfield, Minnesota with 164 Juniors and 104 Seniors. After four rounds...… Read More »
Back Row: Akira Nakada (that’s me), Andy Huang, Gus Huston, Wesley Wang, Aydin Turgut, Robert Shlyakhtenko, Eric Li, Emily Nguyen, Annie Wang, Evelyn… Read More »
This unexpected result left a wide open opportunity for Awonder Liang to clinch the championship, without even needing a playoff—if he could win his… Read More »