Posts categorized "Kids"

The 2019 NJH Championship In June 2019, the Scholastic Council formed a subcommittee of the Scholastic Committee to examine the current structure of… Read More »
In early August 2019, a group of the strongest juniors in the country were invited to the 51st US Chess School at the Mechanics Chess Club in San...… Read More »
The SPICE Cup is a popular tournament for norm seekers, due to the large number of foreign IMs and GM who typically play. This year's edition was… Read More »
Abhi at the Bay Area International Photo David Llada Rising superstar Abhimanyu Mishra earned his third IM norm at the GM Maxim Academy Closed event… Read More »
Tons of smiles and eager faces ready for the fun at the first Promoting to Queens event. WGM Tatev Abrahamyan, IM Annie Wang, WIM Sarah Lu, and six… Read More »
Jacob Laval backstage in his dressing room at "The Rose Tattoo." Photo by Jeremy Varner. Starring Academy Award winner Marisa Tomei, the Tennessee...… Read More »
A limited amount of space is now available in our tournament program book for the 2019 National K-12 Grade Championships. The event is being held… Read More »
A recent segment on a Philadelphia Public TV show, "You Oughta Know" showed the efforts of this year's "Chess City of the Year" to diversify chess...… Read More »
Alex Kolay drew in today’s final round to share second place, and fourth overall via tiebreaks, in the 2019 FIDE World Youth Open Under 14 section.… Read More »
While in Florida, I met with two schools and had the wonderful opportunity to see some of the great work the National Scholastic Chess Foundation...… Read More »