Posts categorized "Kids"

The Scholastic Council and the Executive Board have approved the 2019-2020 Scholastic Regulations. This year’s regulations can be found here...Read… Read More »
He may look cute and innocent, but don’t be fooled. Abhimanyu “Abhi” Mishra is an absolute killer at the chessboard. Mishra and Max Dlugy (photo...… Read More »
The following policy has been reviewed and approved by the US Chess Scholastic Council and US Chess Executive Board. It applies to all national… Read More »
When “Bryant, Sevillano, and Li” tie for first in a Grand Prix event, you might assume it is two GMs and an IM who took home big money. But at the...… Read More »
This is the first of a four-part series, "Back to the US Chess School", which gives readers an inside look into the elite training academies, held...… Read More »
Congratulations to Liran Zhou in the Open Under 12, and Alice Lee in the Girls Under 10, who both earned GOLD medals at the World Cadet Championships… Read More »
Alice Lee (Girls Under 10), Ruiyang Yan (Girls Under 12) and Liran Zhou (Open Under 12) are all leading their respective sections at the World Cadets… Read More »
ChessKid To Attempt Chess World Record With GM Judit Polgar The world's largest chess website for children will team with the greatest female chess… Read More »
As announced during the 2019 US Open in Orlando, the US Chess Executive Board adopted “Safe Play Guidelines” for US Chess National Events. Covered...… Read More »
The World Cadet is currently underway in China, with 75 players representing US Chess. Our top scorer so far is Liran Zhou, who has 5.5/6 in the Open… Read More »