IM Christopher Yoo Clear First as Top 2020 Cadet

Christopher Yoo (courtesy SLCC)
Image Caption
Christopher Yoo at the 2019 Fall Classic (photo courtesy SLCC)


The 2020 U.S. Cadet Championship, organized online this year by the Mechanics’ Institute, brought together 8 of the top U16 players in the country from September 25-28. The round-robin invitational tested the resiliency and stamina of the players, all of whom showcased incredible fighting spirit to deliver exciting chess and several dramatic moments.  

Rising above the wealth of assembled talent was IM Christopher Yoo, who turned in a remarkable 6/7 to take clear first and finished a full point-and-a-half over the rest of the field. FM Christopher Shen and IM Justin Wang finished in second and third place, with 4.5/7. As top-prize winner, Yoo earned a $6,000 scholarship to the college or university of his choice, courtesy of US Chess and its dean of scholastic chess Dewain Barber. All participants also received renewal of their US Chess membership, courtesy of Barber. 

2020 Cadet Crosstable

Heading into the final day, Yoo shared the lead with IM Arthur Guo and a 3.5/4 score. The two met in the fifth round, with that game’s winner left in prime position to secure the event. 

[pgn][Event "Live Chess"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.09.27"] [Round "?"] [White "ArthurGuo"] [Black "ChristopherYoo"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B11"] [WhiteElo "2339"] [BlackElo "2279"] [TimeControl "4200+10"] [EndTime "11:27:33 PDT"] [Termination "ChristopherYoo won by resignation"] 1. e4 {[%clk NaN:NaN:NaN]} 1... c6 {[%clk NaN:NaN:NaN]} 2. Nc3 {[%clk 1:10:10]} 2... d5 {[%clk 1:10:10]} 3. Nf3 {[%clk 1:10:20]} 3... Bg4 {[%clk 1:10:20]} 4. h3 {[%clk 1:10:30]} 4... Bh5 {[%clk 1:10:30]} 5. g4 {[%clk 1:10:40]} 5... Bg6 {[%clk 1:10:40]} 6. exd5 {[%clk 1:10:50]} 6... cxd5 {[%clk 1:10:50]} 7. Bb5+ {[%clk 1:11:00]} 7... Nc6 {[%clk 1:11:00]} 8. Ne5 {[%clk 1:11:10]} 8... Rc8 {[%clk 1:11:10]} 9. d4 {[%clk 1:11:20]} 9... e6 {[%clk 1:11:20]} 10. h4 {[%clk 1:11:30]} 10... f6 {[%clk 1:11:30]} 11. Nxg6 {[%clk 1:11:40]} 11... hxg6 {[%clk 1:11:40]} 12. Be3 {[%clk 1:11:50]} 12... Bb4 {[%clk 1:11:50]} 13. Qd3 {[%clk 1:12:00]} 13... Ne7 {[%clk 1:12:00]} 14. O-O-O {[%clk 1:12:10]} 14... Qa5 {[%clk 1:12:10]} 15. Na4 {[%clk 1:12:20]} 15... a6 {[%clk 1:12:20]} 16. Bxc6+ {[%clk 1:12:30]} 16... Nxc6 {[%clk 1:12:30]} 17. Qb3 {[%clk 1:12:40]} 17... b5 {[%clk 1:12:40]} 18. Nc5 {[%clk 1:12:50]} 18... Bxc5 {[%clk 1:12:50]} 19. dxc5 {[%clk 1:13:00]} 19... Qb4 {[%clk 1:13:00]} 20. Qxb4 {[%clk 1:13:10]} 20... Nxb4 {[%clk 1:13:10]} 21. a3 {[%clk 1:13:20]} 21... Nc6 {[%clk 1:13:20]} 22. f4 {[%clk 1:13:30]} 22... Kf7 {[%clk 1:13:30]} 23. Bf2 {[%clk 1:13:40]} 23... Rcd8 {[%clk 1:13:40]} 24. Bg3 {[%clk 1:13:50]} 24... d4 {[%clk 1:13:50]} 25. c3 {[%clk 1:14:00]} 25... dxc3 {[%clk 1:14:00]} 26. bxc3 {[%clk 1:14:10]} 26... e5 {[%clk 1:14:10]} 27. fxe5 {[%clk 1:14:20]} 27... fxe5 {[%clk 1:14:20]} 28. Kc2 {[%clk 1:14:30]} 28... Ke6 {[%clk 1:14:30]} 29. Rxd8 {[%clk 1:14:40]} 29... Rxd8 {[%clk 1:14:40]} 30. h5 {[%clk 1:14:50]} 30... gxh5 {[%clk 1:14:50]} 31. gxh5 {[%clk 1:15:00]} 31... Rd7 {[%clk 1:15:00]} 32. Bf2 {[%clk 1:15:10]} 32... Rf7 {[%clk 1:15:10]} 33. Be3 {[%clk 1:15:20]} 33... Na5 {[%clk 1:15:20]} 34. h6 {[%clk 1:15:30]} 34... gxh6 {[%clk 1:15:30]} 35. Rxh6+ {[%clk 1:15:40]} 35... Rf6 {[%clk 1:15:40]} 36. Rxf6+ {[%clk 1:15:50]} 36... Kxf6 {[%clk 1:15:50]} 37. Kd3 {[%clk 1:16:00]} 37... Ke6 {[%clk 1:16:00]} 38. Ke4 {[%clk 1:16:10]} 38... Nc4 {[%clk 1:16:10]} 39. Bc1 {[%clk 1:16:20]} 39... a5 {[%clk 1:16:20]} 40. Bh6 {[%clk 1:16:30]} 40... Nxa3 {[%clk 1:16:30]} 41. c6 {[%clk 1:16:40]} 41... Nc4 {[%clk 1:16:40]} 42. Bf8 {[%clk 1:16:50]} 42... a4 {[%clk 1:16:50]} 43. c7 {[%clk 1:17:00]} 43... Kd7 {[%clk 1:17:00]} 44. Kd5 {[%clk 1:17:10]} 44... a3 {[%clk 1:17:10]} 45. Bxa3 {[%clk 1:17:20]} 45... Nxa3 {[%clk 1:17:20]} 46. Kxe5 {[%clk 1:17:30]} 46... Kxc7 {[%clk 1:17:30]} 47. Kd5 {[%clk 1:17:40]} 47... Kb6 {[%clk 1:17:40]} 48. Kd4 {[%clk 1:17:50]} 48... Ka5 {[%clk 1:17:50]} 49. Kc5 {[%clk 1:18:00]} 49... Ka4 {[%clk 1:18:00]} 50. Kd4 {[%clk 1:18:10]} 50... Kb3 {[%clk 1:18:10]} 51. Kd3 {[%clk 1:18:20]} 51... Nb1 {[%clk 1:18:20]} 52. c4 {[%clk 1:18:30]} 52... bxc4+ {[%clk 1:18:30]} 0-1[/pgn]

Wang was a full point out of first when he got his chance to equalize in the standings, matching up with Yoo in round six. The game looked even heading into a queen, rook, and pawn endgame, though Yoo pressed for incremental advantages, which led to a great opportunity as Wang suffered in time pressure. With this win, Yoo sealed the tournament with one round to spare. 

[pgn][Event "Live Chess"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.09.27"] [Round "?"] [White "ChristopherYoo"] [Black "JustinWang1234"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C77"] [WhiteElo "2293"] [BlackElo "2271"] [TimeControl "4200+10"] [EndTime "15:46:25 PDT"] [Termination "ChristopherYoo won by resignation"] 1. e4 {[%clk NaN:NaN:NaN]} 1... e5 {[%clk NaN:NaN:NaN]} 2. Nf3 {[%clk 1:10:10]} 2... Nc6 {[%clk 1:10:10]} 3. Bb5 {[%clk 1:10:20]} 3... a6 {[%clk 1:10:20]} 4. Ba4 {[%clk 1:10:30]} 4... Nf6 {[%clk 1:10:30]} 5. d4 {[%clk 1:10:40]} 5... exd4 {[%clk 1:10:40]} 6. O-O {[%clk 1:10:50]} 6... Be7 {[%clk 1:10:50]} 7. e5 {[%clk 1:11:00]} 7... Ne4 {[%clk 1:11:00]} 8. Nxd4 {[%clk 1:11:10]} 8... O-O {[%clk 1:11:10]} 9. Re1 {[%clk 1:11:20]} 9... Nxd4 {[%clk 1:11:20]} 10. Qxd4 {[%clk 1:11:30]} 10... Nc5 {[%clk 1:11:30]} 11. Nc3 {[%clk 1:11:40]} 11... d6 {[%clk 1:11:40]} 12. Bb3 {[%clk 1:11:50]} 12... dxe5 {[%clk 1:11:50]} 13. Qxe5 {[%clk 1:12:00]} 13... Bd6 {[%clk 1:12:00]} 14. Qh5 {[%clk 1:12:10]} 14... Nxb3 {[%clk 1:12:10]} 15. axb3 {[%clk 1:12:20]} 15... f6 {[%clk 1:12:20]} 16. Ra4 {[%clk 1:12:30]} 16... g6 {[%clk 1:12:30]} 17. Qd5+ {[%clk 1:12:40]} 17... Kg7 {[%clk 1:12:40]} 18. Bf4 {[%clk 1:12:50]} 18... Bxf4 {[%clk 1:12:50]} 19. Rxf4 {[%clk 1:13:00]} 19... Bf5 {[%clk 1:13:00]} 20. Qxb7 {[%clk 1:13:10]} 20... Rb8 {[%clk 1:13:10]} 21. Qa7 {[%clk 1:13:20]} 21... Rb6 {[%clk 1:13:20]} 22. Nd5 {[%clk 1:13:30]} 22... Rf7 {[%clk 1:13:30]} 23. Rxf5 {[%clk 1:13:40]} 23... gxf5 {[%clk 1:13:40]} 24. Nxb6 {[%clk 1:13:50]} 24... Qd2 {[%clk 1:13:50]} 25. Rf1 {[%clk 1:14:00]} 25... cxb6 {[%clk 1:14:00]} 26. Qxa6 {[%clk 1:14:10]} 26... Qxc2 {[%clk 1:14:10]} 27. Qxb6 {[%clk 1:14:20]} 27... Qxb2 {[%clk 1:14:20]} 28. b4 {[%clk 1:14:30]} 28... Re7 {[%clk 1:14:30]} 29. b5 {[%clk 1:14:40]} 29... Re5 {[%clk 1:14:40]} 30. Qc7+ {[%clk 1:14:50]} 30... Kg6 {[%clk 1:14:50]} 31. b6 {[%clk 1:15:00]} 31... Rb5 {[%clk 1:15:00]} 32. h4 {[%clk 1:15:10]} 32... Rxb6 {[%clk 1:15:10]} 33. h5+ {[%clk 1:15:20]} 33... Kh6 {[%clk 1:15:20]} 34. Qf4+ {[%clk 1:15:30]} 34... Kxh5 {[%clk 1:15:30]} 35. Qxf5+ {[%clk 1:15:40]} 35... Kh6 {[%clk 1:15:40]} 36. Qh3+ {[%clk 1:15:50]} 36... Kg6 {[%clk 1:15:50]} 37. Qg4+ {[%clk 1:16:00]} 37... Kh6 {[%clk 1:16:00]} 38. Re1 {[%clk 1:16:10]} 38... Rb5 {[%clk 1:16:10]} 39. Qf4+ {[%clk 1:16:20]} 39... Kg6 {[%clk 1:16:20]} 40. Qe4+ {[%clk 1:16:30]} 40... Kh6 {[%clk 1:16:30]} 41. Qh4+ {[%clk 1:16:40]} 41... Kg6 {[%clk 1:16:40]} 42. Qg3+ {[%clk 1:16:50]} 42... Kh6 {[%clk 1:16:50]} 43. Qe3+ {[%clk 1:17:00]} 43... Kg6 {[%clk 1:17:00]} 44. Qd3+ {[%clk 1:17:10]} 44... Kh6 {[%clk 1:17:10]} 45. Qe3+ {[%clk 1:17:20]} 45... Kg6 {[%clk 1:17:20]} 46. Rd1 {[%clk 1:17:30]} 46... Qb3 {[%clk 1:17:30]} 47. Qe4+ {[%clk 1:17:40]} 47... Kh6 {[%clk 1:17:40]} 48. Rc1 {[%clk 1:17:50]} 48... Qb2 {[%clk 1:17:50]} 49. Qe3+ {[%clk 1:18:00]} 49... Kg6 {[%clk 1:18:00]} 50. Rd1 {[%clk 1:18:10]} 50... Qb3 {[%clk 1:18:10]} 51. Qe4+ {[%clk 1:18:20]} 51... Kh6 {[%clk 1:18:20]} 52. Qf4+ {[%clk 1:18:30]} 52... Kg6 {[%clk 1:18:30]} 53. Re1 {[%clk 1:18:40]} 53... Qb4 {[%clk 1:18:40]} 54. Qg3+ {[%clk 1:18:50]} 54... Kh6 {[%clk 1:18:50]} 55. Qe3+ {[%clk 1:19:00]} 55... Kg6 {[%clk 1:19:00]} 56. Qd3+ {[%clk 1:19:10]} 56... Kh6 {[%clk 1:19:10]} 57. Qh3+ {[%clk 1:19:20]} 57... Kg6 {[%clk 1:19:20]} 58. Qg3+ {[%clk 1:19:30]} 58... Kh6 {[%clk 1:19:30]} 59. Qe3+ {[%clk 1:19:40]} 59... Kg6 {[%clk 1:19:40]} 60. g3 {[%clk 1:19:50]} 60... Rb7 {[%clk 1:19:50]} 61. Qe8+ {[%clk 1:20:00]} 61... Kg7 {[%clk 1:20:00]} 62. Re4 {[%clk 1:20:10]} 62... Qb1+ {[%clk 1:20:10]} 63. Kg2 {[%clk 1:20:20]} 63... Qd1 {[%clk 1:20:20]} 64. Qe6 {[%clk 1:20:30]} 64... h5 {[%clk 1:20:30]} 65. Rf4 {[%clk 1:20:40]} 65... Rf7 {[%clk 1:20:40]} 66. Qf5 {[%clk 1:20:50]} 66... Qe2 {[%clk 1:20:50]} 67. Re4 {[%clk 1:21:00]} 67... Qd1 {[%clk 1:21:00]} 68. Rh4 {[%clk 1:21:10]} 68... Rc7 {[%clk 1:21:10]} 69. Rxh5 {[%clk 1:21:20]} 69... Qc2 {[%clk 1:21:20]} 70. Qg4+ {[%clk 1:21:30]} 70... Qg6 {[%clk 1:21:30]} 71. Qe2 {[%clk 1:21:40]} 71... Qc2 {[%clk 1:21:40]} 72. Qe3 {[%clk 1:21:50]} 72... Qg6 {[%clk 1:21:50]} 73. Rh4 {[%clk 1:22:00]} 73... Kf7 {[%clk 1:22:00]} 74. Qb3+ {[%clk 1:22:10]} 74... Kg7 {[%clk 1:22:10]} 75. Qe6 {[%clk 1:22:20]} 75... Qf7 {[%clk 1:22:20]} 76. Qf5 {[%clk 1:22:30]} 76... Kg8 {[%clk 1:22:30]} 77. Qg4+ {[%clk 1:22:40]} 77... Qg7 {[%clk 1:22:40]} 78. Qh5 {[%clk 1:22:50]} 78... Kf8 {[%clk 1:22:50]} 79. Rg4 {[%clk 1:23:00]} 79... Qh7 {[%clk 1:23:00]} 80. Qd5 {[%clk 1:23:10]} 80... Rd7 {[%clk 1:23:10]} 81. Qa8+ {[%clk 1:23:20]} 81... Kf7 {[%clk 1:23:20]} 82. Qa2+ {[%clk 1:23:30]} 82... Kf8 {[%clk 1:23:30]} 83. Rh4 {[%clk 1:23:40]} 83... Qg8 {[%clk 1:23:40]} 84. Qa3+ {[%clk 1:23:50]} 84... Kf7 {[%clk 1:23:50]} 85. Qb3+ {[%clk 1:24:00]} 85... Kf8 {[%clk 1:24:00]} 86. Qb4+ {[%clk 1:24:10]} 86... Kf7 {[%clk 1:24:10]} 87. Qc4+ {[%clk 1:24:20]} 1-0[/pgn]

Both Shen and Wang came up big in their final round games to propel them into the top 3. Wang defeated Guo, and here is Shen’s win over IM Andrew Hong. 

[pgn][Event "Live Chess"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.09.27"] [Round "?"] [White "SpeedofLight0"] [Black "cys9772"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "C19"] [WhiteElo "2215"] [BlackElo "2293"] [TimeControl "4200+10"] [EndTime "18:35:44 PDT"] [Termination "cys9772 won by checkmate"] 1. e4 {[%clk NaN:NaN:NaN]} 1... e6 {[%clk NaN:NaN:NaN]} 2. d4 {[%clk 1:10:10]} 2... d5 {[%clk 1:10:10]} 3. Nc3 {[%clk 1:10:20]} 3... Bb4 {[%clk 1:10:20]} 4. e5 {[%clk 1:10:30]} 4... c5 {[%clk 1:10:30]} 5. a3 {[%clk 1:10:40]} 5... Bxc3+ {[%clk 1:10:40]} 6. bxc3 {[%clk 1:10:50]} 6... Ne7 {[%clk 1:10:50]} 7. h4 {[%clk 1:11:00]} 7... Qc7 {[%clk 1:11:00]} 8. Nf3 {[%clk 1:11:10]} 8... b6 {[%clk 1:11:10]} 9. Bb5+ {[%clk 1:11:20]} 9... Bd7 {[%clk 1:11:20]} 10. Bd3 {[%clk 1:11:30]} 10... Ba4 {[%clk 1:11:30]} 11. Rb1 {[%clk 1:11:40]} 11... h6 {[%clk 1:11:40]} 12. h5 {[%clk 1:11:50]} 12... c4 {[%clk 1:11:50]} 13. Be2 {[%clk 1:12:00]} 13... Nbc6 {[%clk 1:12:00]} 14. O-O {[%clk 1:12:10]} 14... O-O-O {[%clk 1:12:10]} 15. Nh2 {[%clk 1:12:20]} 15... Kb7 {[%clk 1:12:20]} 16. g3 {[%clk 1:12:30]} 16... Rdf8 {[%clk 1:12:30]} 17. Ng4 {[%clk 1:12:40]} 17... Nf5 {[%clk 1:12:40]} 18. Kg2 {[%clk 1:12:50]} 18... f6 {[%clk 1:12:50]} 19. Bf4 {[%clk 1:13:00]} 19... Qf7 {[%clk 1:13:00]} 20. Rc1 {[%clk 1:13:10]} 20... fxe5 {[%clk 1:13:10]} 21. Nxe5 {[%clk 1:13:20]} 21... Nxe5 {[%clk 1:13:20]} 22. Bxe5 {[%clk 1:13:30]} 22... Rhg8 {[%clk 1:13:30]} 23. Qd2 {[%clk 1:13:40]} 23... g6 {[%clk 1:13:40]} 24. Rh1 {[%clk 1:13:50]} 24... Be8 {[%clk 1:13:50]} 25. hxg6 {[%clk 1:14:00]} 25... Qxg6 {[%clk 1:14:00]} 26. Rh3 {[%clk 1:14:10]} 26... Qf7 {[%clk 1:14:10]} 27. Kh2 {[%clk 1:14:20]} 27... Qe7 {[%clk 1:14:20]} 28. Ra1 {[%clk 1:14:30]} 28... Bg6 {[%clk 1:14:30]} 29. a4 {[%clk 1:14:40]} 29... a5 {[%clk 1:14:40]} 30. Kh1 {[%clk 1:14:50]} 30... Nd6 {[%clk 1:14:50]} 31. f3 {[%clk 1:15:00]} 31... h5 {[%clk 1:15:00]} 32. Rh2 {[%clk 1:15:10]} 32... Rf7 {[%clk 1:15:10]} 33. Re1 {[%clk 1:15:20]} 33... Rgf8 {[%clk 1:15:20]} 34. Qd1 {[%clk 1:15:30]} 34... Nf5 {[%clk 1:15:30]} 35. Qc1 {[%clk 1:15:40]} 35... h4 {[%clk 1:15:40]} 36. g4 {[%clk 1:15:50]} 36... Ng3+ {[%clk 1:15:50]} 37. Bxg3 {[%clk 1:16:00]} 37... hxg3 {[%clk 1:16:00]} 38. Rh6 {[%clk 1:16:10]} 38... Rxf3 {[%clk 1:16:10]} 39. Bxf3 {[%clk 1:16:20]} 39... Rxf3 {[%clk 1:16:20]} 40. Rf1 {[%clk 1:16:30]} 40... Qf8 {[%clk 1:16:30]} 41. Re1 {[%clk 1:16:40]} 41... Be4 {[%clk 1:16:40]} 42. Kg1 {[%clk 1:16:50]} 42... Rf2 {[%clk 1:16:50]} 43. Rxe4 {[%clk 1:17:00]} 43... Qf3 {[%clk 1:17:00]} 44. Rh7+ {[%clk 1:17:10]} 44... Ka6 {[%clk 1:17:10]} 45. Qf1 {[%clk 1:17:20]} 45... Rxf1# {[%clk 1:17:20]} 0-1[/pgn]

Impressive was the fighting spirit of all players, all the way through the end. FM Maximillian Lu delivered this fighting game in the seventh round, pushing Yoo to the brink even after the championship had been decided.

[pgn][Event "2020 US Cadet Ch"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.09.27"] [Round "7"] [White "Lu, Maximillian"] [Black "Yoo, Christopher"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A16"] [WhiteElo "2431"] [BlackElo "2540"] [PlyCount "124"] [EventDate "2020.09.25"] [EventType "tourn"] 1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 g6 3. g3 c6 4. e4 d5 5. cxd5 cxd5 6. e5 d4 7. exf6 dxc3 8. dxc3 Qxd1+ 9. Kxd1 exf6 10. Bg2 Nc6 11. Be3 Bf5 12. Ke2 O-O-O 13. Bh3 Bxh3 14. Nxh3 Bd6 15. Rhe1 b6 16. f4 Rhe8 17. Kf3 Re6 18. Nf2 Rde8 19. Bd2 f5 20. Nd3 Kd7 21. Rad1 Re4 22. b3 h5 23. Nf2 R4e6 24. Nh3 Rxe1 25. Rxe1 Rc8 26. Re3 Nd8 27. Ng5 f6 28. Nh3 Ne6 29. Nf2 h4 30. Rd3 hxg3 31. hxg3 Ke7 32. Be3 Rh8 33. Rd1 Bc5 34. Rh1 Rxh1 35. Nxh1 Nc7 36. Bxc5+ bxc5 37. Nf2 Nd5 38. Nd1 c4 39. bxc4 Nb6 40. Ne3 Kd6 41. Ke2 Kc5 42. Kd3 a5 43. Nd5 Nxc4 44. Nxf6 Nb2+ 45. Kc2 Nc4 46. Kd3 Nb2+ 47. Kd2 Nc4+ 48. Ke2 a4 49. Nd7+ Kd5 50. Nf8 Nd6 51. Kd3 Ne4 52. Nxg6 Nxg3 53. Nh4 Kc5 54. Kc2 Kd5 55. Kb2 Kc4 56. Ka3 Ne2 57. Nxf5 Nxf4 58. Kxa4 Nd5 59. Nd6+ Kxc3 60. Kb5 Kb2 61. a4 Nc3+ 62. Kb4 Nxa4 1/2-1/2 [/pgn]

The Mechanics’ Institute was approved to organize the Cadet as an online event by the US Chess Executive Board, in the effort to continue important national events during the COVID-19 crisis. As organizers for the Cadet, the Institute was dedicated in using all the necessary tools to ensure fair play, including dual webcam monitoring, live screening of the games, and post-game analysis after each round. The tournament was run by NTD John McCumiskey and Dr. Judit Sztaray. 

The event was broadcast live and featured commentary by GM Nick de Firmian and FM Paul Whitehead, as well special guests throughout including GMs Sam Shankland, Patrick Wolff, Melik Khachiyan, Josh Friedel, as well as US Olympic captain and former MI chess director John Donaldson.  

Be sure to check CLO Friday for a video interview with 2020 U.S. Cadet champion IM Christopher Yoo. 
