
US Chess is opening the application process for the 2022-2023 Herbert B. Jacklyn Program. The program is funded by a generous bequest to US Chess… Read More »
DALL-E, Fabiano Caruana as a Guest Star on Pee Wees Playhouse
With modern chess engines operating at hundreds of points stronger than the best human players, it’s clear we mere mammals are officially a relic of… Read More »
2022 Candidates Preview Podcast GM Jacob Aagaard
Our bonus Candidates preview is out! Chess Life and Chess Life Online editor John Hartmann chats with GM Jacob Aagaard about the Candidates, Magnus… Read More »
GM Hikaru Nakamura, 2021. Photo: Ootes/STLCC
In chess’s romantic period, strong players would only move a piece if an opponent could raise enough cash to make it worth their while. In the modern… Read More »
One Move at a Time Elliot Neff
For the June edition of One Move at a Time, US Chess Senior Director of Strategic Communication Dan Lucas sits down with Elliott Neff, CEO and… Read More »
One Move at a Time GM John Fedorowicz
For the May edition of One Move at a Time, US Chess Senior Director of Strategic Communication Dan Lucas sits down with GM John Fedorowicz, a member… Read More »
FM Mariia Berdnyk
While many are writing about what is going on in Ukraine, and many are speaking out in a time when Twitter and streaming technologies give voice to… Read More »
Voices from Ukraine Olga Babiy
US Chess, in partnership with the Kasparov Chess Foundation, continues to raise money for relief to the Ukrainian chess community through GoFundMe.… Read More »
USCF logo
Update on 2/26: Do you want to offer direct help? US Chess has established a GoFundMe campaign to assist suffering Ukrainian chess players. The… Read More »
Joe Ippolito Cropped
Image Joseph Anthony Ippolito of Boonton, New Jersey, a… Read More »
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