
One Move at a Time, Fred and Bonnie Waitzkin
For the July edition of One Move at a Time, US Chess Senior Director of Strategic Communication Dan Lucas sits down with Fred and Bonnie Waitzkin to… Read More »
Brian Yang, US Chess
As of July 22, Brian Yang will be the new FIDE Events Manager for US Chess. Brian is a FIDE International Arbiter (awarded in 2018) and a US Chess… Read More »
Judy Misner
Judith (Judy) Misner, our Director of Administration, is retiring on May 27 after almost 52 years working for US Chess. She was hired on October 12,… Read More »
FM Mariia Berdnyk
While many are writing about what is going on in Ukraine, and many are speaking out in a time when Twitter and streaming technologies give voice to… Read More »
USCF logo
Image Michael Buss (courtesy of subject… Read More »
USCF logo
US Chess is sad to announce the departure of two long-time employees, Joan DuBois and Traci Lee, effective November 10, 2020. Joan, who was… Read More »
Anna Zatonskih is a four-time U.S. Women's Champion, winning the title in 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2011. For a decade, Zatonskih dominated the… Read More »
Jennifer Yu is one of America's most promising rising female players, earning a myriad of national and international achievements over the years. In… Read More »
The November 2019 edition of “Cover Stories with Chess Life” is now live! This monthly podcast, hosted by Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
One of Nakamura's greatest tournament performances was his victory at Tata Steel 2011, which was one of the few times in history that an American has… Read More »
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