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In January, the US Chess Executive Board announced its intention to move the organization’s headquarters to the St. Louis, Missouri area. Plans for… Read More »
This month, Jennifer Shahade welcomes Woman International Master and former Ukrainian Champion Anastasiya Rakhmangulova to the Ladies Knight podcast… Read More »
Two heads are better than one, but if you’re facing off against one of the greatest attacking chess players in the world, wouldn’t a few more be...… Read More »
US Chess is pleased to welcome Laird Davis to its team as the new Member Services Associate. Laird Davis Laird has a B.A. in Communication from...… Read More »
While many are writing about what is going on in Ukraine, and many are speaking out in a time when Twitter and streaming technologies give voice to… Read More »
US Chess and the Kasparov Chess Foundation are grateful for the generosity of the chess community and its support for chess players in Ukraine. Many… Read More »
The phrase “time flies” has taken on new resonance over these past two years as we all been experiencing life in a pandemic. But I want to give you… Read More »
When I was starting out in chess, games collections and tournament books constituted a majority of the high-quality chess books available — the ones… Read More »
Puzzles #3 and #4 of 9. This month's puzzles are all taken from the 2021 World Rapid and Blitz Championships in Warsaw, Poland. Sharpen your tactical… Read More »
The US Chess Girls Club has been invited to compete against Grandmaster Judit Polgar for a special simul event, “Judit Polgar vs. the World” at 9 a.m… Read More »
