In the News

Check out an update of Saturday's action at the National High School Champs. Alice Dong (left) scored a notable upset, while Vignesh Panchanatham...… Read More »
The 2016 National High School Championships underway now in Atlanta features a top-heavy field, with seven players above 2400 , and over thirty...… Read More »
The Charlotte Chess Center held its first GM/IM norm tournament March 23-27. You can find a full article on the event with annotated games by GM Ben… Read More »
GM Pal Benko presents some fun problems, as a complement to his April Chess Life Magazine problems. "Everybody likes to give checkmate, here you can… Read More »
NEW: LEFT-HANDED CHESS BOARD Tired of constantly having to live in a right-handed world? Fed up with “white on the right” rules and regulations? Do… Read More »
The 2016 National High School Chess Championship is being held at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta starting tomorrow, Friday April 1st. So far, there are 1… Read More »
Lindsborg, Kansas once again welcomed the Girls State Championship this year. The event was held on March 26 at Karpov Chess School. Sheena Zheng...… Read More »
Photo courtesy of World Chess The Challenger Sergey Karjakin Final Score: 8.5 / 14 Performance Rating: 2855 Karjakin was severely underestimated...… Read More »
Ruifeng Li, here pictured against Luke Harmon at the US Chess School IM Ruifeng Li scored an undefeated 7-2 at the 10th Annual Philadelphia Open… Read More »
The Marshall Chess Club will host the Final Four of College Chess this weekend. Photo This weekend, the… Read More »
