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The Scholastic Council and the Executive Board have approved the 2019-2020 Scholastic Regulations. This year’s regulations can be found here...Read… Read More »
GM Fidel Corrales and SM Mika Brattain won the 14th Annual Indianapolis Open (August 23-25, Indianapolis) with a score of 4.5-0.5, each taking home a… Read More »
The Scholastic Council and the Executive Board have approved the 2019-2020 Scholastic Regulations. This year’s regulations can be found here...Read… Read More »
Welcome to the September 2019 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which we talk to people who are advancing the US Chess mission… Read More »
He may look cute and innocent, but don’t be fooled. Abhimanyu “Abhi” Mishra is an absolute killer at the chessboard. Mishra and Max Dlugy (photo...… Read More »
The following policy has been reviewed and approved by the US Chess Scholastic Council and US Chess Executive Board. It applies to all national… Read More »
Back at the end of July, we published Elijah Logozar’s provocative polemic, “A Bust to the Smith-Morra Gambit.” We also invited readers to submit...… Read More »
GM Vladimir Belous won the 51st Annual Atlantic Open (August 23-25, Falls Church, VA) with a score of 4.5-0.5 to take the first place prize of $3100… Read More »
With the death last week of GM Pal Benko at age 91, it seems appropriate on this Thursday to take a look back his 46 years writing for Chess Life...… Read More »
GM Jianchou Zhou won the 49th annual Continental Open (August 14-18, Sturbridge) with a score of 7-2 to take the first place prize of $6200. Zhou...… Read More »
