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US Chess' top-six Grandmasters are featured as part of the international tour's 2021 finale, which began in St. Louis on Wednesday.Read More »
The 2021 US Chess Annual Report is now available for online viewing or download on this page:… Read More »
We’ve all been there, haven’t we? After pressing an advantage for several hours, we convince ourselves we missed our best chances and agree to a draw… Read More »
Welcome to the August 2021 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
Girls Club student Hrtha Rajiv breaks down five of her top memories from the Girls Club, from a Q+A with Judit Polgar to a team game with the Botez… Read More »
Grandmaster Aleksandr Lenderman drew his Round Nine game with GM Benjamin Gledura to win the 2021 U.S. Open with a score of 8.5/9. Play is still...… Read More »
With only one round remaining, the race is heating up in Cherry Hill. The race for second place, that is. GM Aleksandr Lenderman now stands a full...… Read More »
Chess Life is sponsoring a best game and best endgame contest for games from the 2021 U.S. Open and the Invitational events. Prizes of $150 (Best… Read More »
GM Aleks Lenderman has done it again! The New York GM is on a perfect 7/7 with two rounds to go in the 2021 US Open, coming off an impressive victory… Read More »
Tonight, we become one. Over 500 players merge for the final three rounds of the US Open, all wondering whether anyone can catch GM Aleksander...Read… Read More »
