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The XV Continental Chess Championship of the Americas 2022 will be held May 1-11, 2022 at the Best Western Hotel Terraza, San Salvador, El Salvador… Read More »
Greetings! Our first game comes from Walter Muir Quad 21W21 where Lelan Conti and Errol Acosta tied for first with a 4-2 score. In the game it...Read… Read More »
The US Chess Executive Board has called a Special Delegates Meeting for March 23, 2022 at 8:30 Eastern. Delegates of record were sent an information… Read More »
A limited amount of space is now available in our tournament program books for the three US Chess spring national championships: 2022 National High… Read More »
The 2022 Pan American Intercollegiate Team Championships returned to in-person play after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19. This year’s event was...… Read More »
US Chess expert and quant sports trader Ella Papanek joins Jennifer Shahade on Ladies Knight for a fascinating discussion. A recent graduate of...… Read More »
The US Chess Federation is accepting applications for the position of CRM and Web Manager, a full-time position within US Chess. The position reports… Read More »
It’s back to Wijk.... err... work with the first big tournament of 2022. And — despite some COVID-enforced challenges — what a tournament it looks to… Read More »
US Chess has made a Safe Play Misconduct Report Form available here: More »
The US Chess office will be closed on Monday, January 17, in recognition of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday. We will reopen on Tuesday,… Read More »
