In the News

Every June, thousands of players flock to Las Vegas, but it’s not to gamble (indeed, many of them have to wait upwards of a decade before they can… Read More »
Two sets of GM and IM norm invitational Round Robins were held by 1000GM around the National Open in Las Vegas earlier this month. FM Varun Krishnan… Read More »
Two sets of GM and IM norm invitational Round Robins were held by 1000GM around the National Open in Las Vegas earlier this month. FM Varun Krishnan… Read More »
The fourth edition of the Cairns Cup began Thursday, June 13, at the Saint Louis Chess Club (SLCC), and it did not take long for the players to...… Read More »
US Chess is seeking applicants for the positions of Heads of Delegation (HOD) and Coaches for the 2024 FIDE International Youth events. The policy… Read More »
Loud music and an extravagant traditional dance routine proved no distraction for former world number two GM Alexei Shirov and his 30 simul...Read… Read More »
In its latest initiative to support women's chess, the Saint Louis Chess Club (SLCC) announced the creation of the Cairns Chess Queens Award during… Read More »
The fourth Cairns Cup begins Thursday, June 13, hosted by the Saint Louis Chess Club. The ten-player Round Robin features seven players in the top 25… Read More »
For this week's Wednesday Workout, we take a deep dive into the author's seventh-round game from the 2024 National Open, held June 5 through 9 in Las… Read More »
Sometimes solving chess rules problems is easy: the answers are all right there in the rulebook. Sometimes the solutions fall into the creative zone… Read More »
