Wednesday Workout: FIDE World Rapid & Blitz, Pt. 8 (An Endgame for the Ages)

This week's Wednesday Workout continues our series on the 2024 FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championships, held December 26 – 31 in New York.

Our coverage of the rapid and blitz events focused on the winners, but several dozen Americans competed and many gained rating and delivered some nice upsets. So, we'll be taking a look at their games for the next few weeks!

This week's puzzles all come from an instructive blitz endgame between former Women's World Champion GM Mariya Muzychuk and WGM Thalia Cervantes. This entire endgame was played on the increment, with only two seconds added back to the clock each move. Take your time, though, and test your theoretical knowledge!




Download our printable worksheet, or solve along with our interactive study


