Tactics Tuesday: FIDE World Rapid & Blitz, Pt. 8 (Megan Paragua)

Today's Tactics Tuesday continues a multi-week feature on the 2024 FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championships, held December 26 through 31 in New York. Our coverage of the rapid and blitz events focused on the winners, but several dozen Americans competed and many gained rating and delivered some nice upsets. So, we'll be taking a look at their games for the next few weeks!


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Photo courtesy of Lennart Ootes/FIDE


This week's puzzles come from the games of 13-year-old WFM Megan Althea Paragua. The New York native won two gold medals in the FIDE Cadet World Rapid & Blitz last year, and had stellar results against adults in December. In the Blitz, she defeated world women's top ten GM Zhu Jiner, and her 2343 performance rating in the Rapid saw her beat two IMs and netted her 164 FIDE points. 




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