The World Women’s Championship (January 4-26) kicked off in Shanghai, China with three fighting draws. In round four, reigning champ Wenjun Ju of...… Read More »
Happy New Year! It's been another big year for chess, and for US Chess. As we forge ahead in a new decade, let's take a look back to the most popular… Read More »
The 2019 Nassau Chess Club Championship was played on ten consecutive Monday nights from October 21 to December 23. It was won by GM Michael Rohde...… Read More »
Jamaal Abul-Alim discusses his January 2020 cover story on U.S. Women's Champion WGM Jennifer Yu The January edition of “Cover Stories with Chess… Read More »
Texas Tech chalked up the only 6-0 at the 66th consecutive Pan-American Collegiate Team Championships. This makes the second PanAms title collected… Read More »
The 28th annual North American Open was again held at Bally’s Casino Resort in Las Vegas from December 26 through 30th. The pre-tournament attendance… Read More »
Play chess and meet former U.S. women’s chess champion Alexey Root as she signs her latest book, Prepare With Chess Strategy, on Saturday, January 11… Read More »
As the chess world ramps up for an exciting and competitive Women's World Championship match (January 5-26, Shanghai and Vladivostock), the chess...… Read More »
Wenjun Ju vs. Aleksandra Goryachkina in the Women's Grand Prix The World Women's Championship (January 4-26) officially begins on January 5th in...… Read More »
A news article that is featured in the Announcements block. A news article that is featured in the Announcements block. A news article that is...Read… Read More »