Today’s guest on Cover Stories is Taylor Kingston, a well-known chess author and historian who I tapped to write our May cover story on the 1946 U.S… Read More »
Through a generous gift from Dan Heisman, US Chess now has an endowed annual award for excellence in chess instruction. According to Heisman, “When… Read More »
Congratulations to Tanitoluwa "Tani" Adewumi, who broke the 2200 barrier this weekend at the Fairfield County Chess Club Championship tournament...… Read More »
Greetings! I wanted to start this month’s article off by telling everyone about an exciting new opportunity for anyone even remotely interested in...… Read More »
Dr. Alexey Root is looking for the following six games to complete her book, United States Women's Chess Champions. Two of the games were played in… Read More »
The American blitz specialist seeks his first finals appearance against Azerbaijani GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov in the fifth leg of the Champions Chess… Read More »
In this month's edition of the Chess Underground, host Pete Karagianis reviews the Candidates finish, recaps season 3 “Tournament Life” and… Read More »
Chinese GM Wang Hao announces retirement, FIDE to revisit tiebreaker rules, and the promise of another Candidates Tournament in 2022 all marked the… Read More »
For the fourteenth and final installment of his “Candidates Game of the Day” series, GM Jacob Aagaard has analyzed GM Ding Liren's victory over GM… Read More »
For the thirteenth installment of his “Candidates Game of the Day” series, GM Jacob Aagaard has analyzed GM Ding Liren's victory over GM Kirill...… Read More »