Search result for: just the rules

For a chess tournament, the Dreaming King Open situates itself in an exquisite location: with a vivid, clear lake, reflecting the equally clear sky… Read More »
When I think of a rumble I think instantly of pro wrestling or West Side Story. Scholastic chess does not come to mind, until recently. In the words… Read More »
Can you remember the last time you played in an open tournament reserved for players rated 2400+? Playing such strong events is like swimming in a...… Read More »
A limited amount of space is now available in our tournament program books for the three US Chess spring national championships: 2020 National High… Read More »
Texas Tech chalked up the only 6-0 at the 66th consecutive Pan-American Collegiate Team Championships. This makes the second PanAms title collected… Read More »
Tim Just elaborates on rule changes effective with the 7th edition of the Rule Book, which can be found here. Why? One rule change will blockade the… Read More »
Ding Liren capped off a tremendous 2019 with a win Sunday at the Grand Chess Tour Finals, one of many important titles decided at the 2019 London...… Read More »
There are countless chess variants, some enjoying more popularity than others, but none have gotten as much recent attention as the brainchild of...… Read More »
Tim Just, Chief Editor of the 5th, 6th, and brand new 7th edition of the rule book. This month's column is a test! Strap yourself in and test your… Read More »
The SPICE Cup is a popular tournament for norm seekers, due to the large number of foreign IMs and GM who typically play. This year's edition was… Read More »