Posts categorized "News"

After seven hard fought rounds of play, we have our National Champions! Some of the biggest names in U.S. chess history got their start by winning… Read More »
Kids are often underrated and so it's normal to see one or two of the top seeds go down in National Scholastics. However at the National Elementary… Read More »
You usually expect a few upsets at Nationals, but no one expected what happened in Round 1 this year. In the K-6 Championship, 1348 rated Dominic...… Read More »
Maximillian Lu, top seed in the K-5 Nationals, here shown playing Sultan Al Darmaky of the UAE in South Africa, Photo Reint Dykema The Elementary...… Read More »
The latest edition of the Check is in the Mail features the game of the month from David McCann. Also featured: James Vaughan (pictured), who won the… Read More »
“If I don’t get my last norm on this trip it will be nothing but an utter failure,” I joked, half-seriously, to my roommate and travel partner, Tom… Read More »
As those of you who read my latest US Chess article know, I have three GM norms so getting the title is a matter of reaching ELO 2500. As of last...… Read More »
Hikaru Nakamura took clear first in the Ultimate Blitz Challenge in Saint Louis, and the first prize of $20,000, ahead of Wesley So in 2nd. Happy to… Read More »
The first Women’s California Chess Championship took place in Berkeley, California on April 2 and 3, 2016. The two-day event was sponsored by Cal...… Read More »
The US Chess Championships in Saint Louis may be over but the Ultimate Blitz Challenge is heating up. Wesley So and Hikaru Nakamura lead after a...… Read More »