Posts categorized "News"

Greetings! Welcome to the newest installment of the Check Is In The Mail. Those of you who are regular readers of this article know that Alex Dunne… Read More »
US Chess presents the final standings for the 2020 US Chess Grand Prix. These standings will appear in an upcoming issue of Chess Life. Place Name ID… Read More »
Per FIDE’s recent news article on their database enhancement at, all FIDE Arbiters, Organizers and Trainers are… Read More »
Jennifer welcomes long-time friend Courtney Lauren Penn to Ladies Knight. Courtney is a producer and the founder of Renegade Entertainment. In...Read… Read More »
On April 16th, Friday at 8 PM ET, acclaimed author Katherine Neville will attend our Madwoman's Book Club to discuss her best-seller, the Eight...… Read More »
Chess Underground wraps up its second season - "Tournament Life" - with a visit with super-TD Judit Sztaray. No topic is off limits, and Judit weighs… Read More »
International Master John Watson is often considered one of the world's leading authorities on chess literature. A fine author in his own right, with… Read More »
FunMasterMike, the face and voice of chesskid, will be hosting a chess tactics trivia competition for our US Chess Girls Club on March 25th.Read More…
The US Chess Champion stumbled in the semifinals against eventual winner Giri, then dropped the third-place match to the World Champion.Read More »
From inspiring panels to empowering messages to celebratory events, International Women’s Day (IWD) is commemorated in countless ways. At Her Move...… Read More »