Posts categorized "International youth events"
FIDE Americas has announced that it is hosting a two-stage tournament, the XXXI Pan American Youth Chess Festival, Pan Floripa 2021. There will be an…
An announcement from FIDE: Due to the many travel restrictions still in force all around the world, the FIDE Council has approved postponing several…
FIDE has announced that it is hosting a two-stage tournament, the 2021 FIDE Online Cadets & Youth Rapid World Cup, to be played on the Tornelo...
The 2021 North American Youth Chess Championships organizers are excited to announce they are moving forward with the tournament which will be held...
Carissa Yip, Awonder Liang and Christopher Yoo will play in a series of high-stakes international Junior events organized by the World Champion's… Read More »
The US Chess Federation is pleased to announce the list of players who are officially invited to participate in the 2021 World Youth (Under 14, Under…
Please note that no changes have been made to the existing Scholastic National Invitational Event and Award Requirements posted at https://new.… Read More »
US Chess finished the online international championship as the most-decorated delegation from 114 participating national federations.
The 2005 sixth-place Team USA featured a lineup of players poised to become tomorrow's national championship contenders.
The 2020 North American Junior Chess Championships, Open U-20 and Girls U-20, will be held December 19-23, 2020 at the Charlotte Chess Center in...