In the News

This year's U.S. Amateur Team Championship finals felt right at home on the Internet Chess Club. Global pandemic aside, the annual event's final four… Read More »
Grandmaster Maurice Ashley is a man who hardly needs an introduction to the readers of Chess Life or Chess Life Online. While he is famous today for… Read More »
Before the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, the Pacific Coast Open was scheduled to be held last July in California. Unfortunately, the current situation… Read More »
National Chess Day is celebrated on the second Saturday of every October. This year it falls on October 10th. US Chess would like to know how you're… Read More »
Updated October 20, 2020 to clarify the certification requirement for a Chief TD. US Chess announces the creation of the 2020-2021 Pan-American...… Read More »
The 2020 US Cadet Championship, organized online this year by the Mechanics’ Institute, brought together 8 of the top U16 players in the country from… Read More »
Where in the world is that link? I asked myself. Like any good Carmen Sandiego adventure, finding the right link in a time of need is quite an...Read… Read More »
John Walton is the winner of the 18Q08 Trophy Quad with a perfect 6/6 score.Read More »
US Chess is happy to announce the recipients of a series of online program grants for events to promote women and girls in chess. These funds were...… Read More »
The Saint Louis Arch Bishops fell short of their quest to become the Professional Rapid Online Chess League’s first back-to-back champion, after...… Read More »
