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GM Kamil Dragun won the Golden State Open held from January 11-15 in Concord, California.Read More »
The #6 article in Best of US Chess 2017 is The Shaman Sees Checkmate: Teaching Chess in the Amazon by Vincent Roazzi Jr. With evocative photographs… Read More »
The international chess bug has hit me, and I’ve played tournaments in Israel, Spain, France, and Argentina and have visited chess sites in India...… Read More »
Wesley So at Wijk aan Zee, Photo Cathy Rogers For five years the traditional Wijk aan Zee super-tournament – this year celebrating its 80th edition… Read More »
The Charlotte Chess Center is perhaps becoming an American “norm factory,” having produced several norms and titles in 2016 and 2017.Read More »
GM Ian Rogers The #7 article in Best of US Chess 2017 is GM Rogers on World Cup: Five US Players Still Alive by GM Ian Rogers. In Rogers' informative… Read More »
Bryan Castro The #8 article in Best of US Chess 2018 is "Spring Ahead in the Endgame" by Bryan Castro. Bryan shows how he combined analysis of his… Read More »
Awonder Liang at the U.S. Junior Championship, which he went on to win. Photo: US Championship Website Ask me who the second highest rated player to… Read More »
WIM Dr. Alexey Root The #9 article in Best of US Chess 2017 is In Memory of Dad: Chess, Parenting & Crossing Borders by WIM Dr. Alexey Root.… Read More »
All heads in the room turned to look as the legendary former World Champion Garry Kasparov made his way through the aisles.Read More »
