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Recent social media posts reference cheating allegations involving a team that participated in the 2018 National Junior High Championship in Atlanta… Read More »
American Hikaru Nakamura, one of the world’s top chess Grandmasters, has shown his generosity by honoring a pledge he made earlier this year to… Read More »
March 17th marked the annual Girls State Championship in Lindsborg, Kansas. The event was hosted by the Karpov School of Chess and included 16...Read… Read More »
GM Andrew Tang, Photo Betsy Zacate-Dynako FIDE’s 1st Quarter 2018 Presidential Board Meeting was recently held in Minsk, Belarus this April 6-9. The… Read More »
FM Arthur Guo, a 6th grader playing in his hometown of Atlanta, won the National K-9 Junior High Championship. This was not Arthur's first victory on… Read More »
US Chess Members: Register as a US Chess voting member at the following link: by May 1 so you can vote in… Read More »
US Chess receives occasional inquiries and/or assertions about cheating within US Chess-rated events. When cheating is alleged to US Chess through...… Read More »
US Chess is pleased to announce our first podcast, “Cover Stories with Chess Life.” This monthly podcast, hosted by Director of Publications and...… Read More »
US Chess Executive Director Carol Meyer with K-9 National Champion, Arthur Guo Browse results of the Junior High School Championships (Atlanta...Read… Read More »
Photo Jim Doyle Georgia weather told of good things to come- and come they did, as over 1,100 players descended upon the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta...… Read More »
