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Winner of the 2019 Grand Swiss, Caruana is plus-4 and two rounds away from earning a trip back to the next Candidates Tournament.Read More »
Today’s guest on Cover Stories with Chess Life is the author of our November 2021 cover story on the U.S. Open, which he won with a dominating...Read… Read More »
Forgetting to bring your chess clock to a tournament has the potential to make for a difficult day.Read More »
The return to OTB chess has been robust for several months, and the rules suspension originally announced in March 2020 are no longer in effect.Read… Read More »
The return to OTB chess has been robust for several months, and the rules suspension originally announced in March 2020 are no longer in effect.Read… Read More »
The World No. 2 leads five Americans and over 100 GMs playing in the World Championship-cycle event held in Riga, Latvia this week.Read More »
Our new US Women's Champion, 18-year-old Carissa Yip, will visit the US Chess Girls club on Thursday, November 4th at 6 PM ET. She'll talk about some… Read More »
The October Chess Underground checks in with Epiphany Peters, who streams under the name "marichess." Epiphany offers her insights on the journey to… Read More »
Grandmaster Wesley So defended for his third title as U.S. Champion, while IM Carissa Yip earned her first crowning as the American female champion.… Read More »
Jennifer speaks on Ladies Knight to Nadya Ortiz, a chess champion who now works as a senior software engineer at Apple. Born in Ibague, Colombia...… Read More »
