Posts categorized "Women's bios"

FMs and WFMs are the hidden gems of the chess world. Overlooked as the world focuses on GM and IM games, FMs and WFMs are more relatable to the… Read More »
Dr. Alexey Root is looking for the following six games to complete her book, United States Women's Chess Champions. Two of the games were played in… Read More »
Anna Zatonskih is a four-time U.S. Women's Champion, winning the title in 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2011. For a decade, Zatonskih dominated the...Read… Read More »
Jennifer Yu is one of America's most promising rising female players, earning a myriad of national and international achievements over the years. In… Read More »
Nazi Paikidze after winning the 2018 US Women's Championship. Photo: Lennart Ootes Nazi Paikidze 2018 and 2016 U.S. Women's Champion and… Read More »
Sabina Foisor has been a top contender in the U.S. Women's chess sphere for many years. In 2017, Foisor entered the U.S. Women's Championship as an… Read More »
Tatev Abrahamyan is the 4th highest ranked woman in the U.S. and a veteran of the Women's Olympiad Team.Read More »
Irina Krush is a seven-time U.S. Women's Champion, winning in 1998, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. She holds the record for the youngest...… Read More »