Posts categorized "Top american players"

IM Eric Rosen will be taking over the US Chess twitter feed starting in round three of the highly anticipated Carlsen-Caruana World Chess… Read More »
Yuvraj Chennareddy, wearing sponsor Two Sigma jacket, with his mother, photo courtesy FIDE Yuvraj Chennareddy has a perfect 7-0 score in the Under 8… Read More »
American challenger Fabiano Caruana pressured Magnus Carlsen in round two of their much-anticipated World Championship match, which Grandmaster Ian… Read More »
Nico Chasin, Photo Grant Oen Midway through the World Cadet Championships in Santiago, Spain, the the U.S. team is looking great, both in their Two… Read More »
Game one in Caruana-Carlsen, Photo Cathy Rogers Ian Rogers reports on the vibe of first day of the title match in London Queuing for an hour outside… Read More »
The highly anticipated World Championship match between American challenger Fabiano Caruana and reigning champ Magnus Carlsen begins tomorrow, Friday… Read More »
To Journalists and others looking for basic information about the 2018 World Chess Championship: Please download our World Championship at a Glance… Read More »
In my last report, I was so focused on the American players (including my fiance Sabina Foisor) I neglected to mention that Iranian WIM Mobina...Read… Read More »
The November edition of “Cover Stories with Chess Life” is now live! This monthly podcast, hosted by Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
As CLO editor Woman Grandmaster Jennifer Shahade covered in her article, Grandmaster Irina Krush eliminated her first round opponent International...… Read More »