Posts categorized "Super grandmaster chess"

IM Greg Shahade gives an opinionated rundown on who has the best chance to win the Candidates Tournament coming up in Moscow (March 10-20) and...Read… Read More »
GM Gata Kamsky, Photo Alexandre Feyrin Last weekend, Gata Kamsky became the only American in history to win the Cappelle la Grande Open, going...Read… Read More »
World’s top players to compete in expanded tour with new events in Paris and Brussels-Leuven--featuring rapid and blitz SAINT LOUIS (February 10,… Read More »
SAINT LOUIS (February 9 , 2016) – For the eighth consecutive year, the nation’s top 24 chess players will gather in Saint Louis to compete for the...… Read More »
The Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival is known for being one of the strongest, most unique and most scenic open tournaments in the world. With the… Read More »
om ] GM Sam Shankland at the Saint Louis Chess Club The #1 article in Best of US Chess 2015 is Shankland on His Rise from GM to Top Hundred (in two… Read More »
Photo Cathy Rogers We all have certain tournaments where we consistently perform well: something about the environment puts us in a better mood...… Read More »
The #3 article in Best of US Chess 2015 is 10 Lessons Learned from the 2015 Sinquefield Cup by GM Ian Rogers. Judges praised the Australian GM and...… Read More »
Wei Yi and Magnus Carlsen shake hands, Photo official website. Tournament cross tables can be deceptive, giving the impression that each round is of… Read More »
The #8 article in Best of US Chess 2015 is Why is Carlsen Dominant? (A Theory) By GM Cristian Chirila. Judges praised Chirila’s unique angle and...… Read More »