Posts categorized "News"

GM John Burke, the 19-year-old Webster University sophomore, became the 2020 U.S. Junior Champion after defeating GM Jeffery Xiong in a thrilling...… Read More »
FIDE announced today it will not resume the 2020 Candidates Tournament as originally planned on November 1, citing the well-being of its players...… Read More »
During the August 2020 Special Delegates Meeting, the Delegates adopted a recommendation from the Governance Task Force to create a Nominating...Read… Read More »
The Unruly Queens, a group of four talented young female chessplayers, are hosting a series of online chess tournaments and camps, kicking off with… Read More »
The 29th Annual Chicago Open was held over Columbus Day weekend, also coinciding with National Chess Day on Oct. 10.Read More »
Seven tactical puzzles from the recently finished 2020 U.S. Junior Girls Championship.Read More »
The World No. 2 has won just twice in nine games in the Altibox Norway Chess super tournament.Read More »
The Continental Chess Association, the Georgia Chess Association and the Las Vegas Chess Festival all hosted online events, collectively drawing 419… Read More »
Welcome to the October 2020 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
INFORMATION UPDATE 10/14/2020: Event Newsletter Entry or Donations Play Location The Internet Chess Club (ICC) announces the 1st Annual Susan E...… Read More »