Posts categorized "News"

The U.S. Chess School has teamed up with online improvement hub ChessDojo to stream high-quality chess classes on a weekly basis.Read More »
2019 US Women's Champion WGM Jennifer Yu recounts the experience at her first live tournament since March.Read More »
US Chess is sad to announce the departure of two long-time employees, Joan DuBois and Traci Lee, effective November 10, 2020. Joan, who was...Read… Read More »
Welcome to the November 2020 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
Due to a production error in the Call for Nominations published in the October and November issues of Chess Life, the deadline for submitting...Read… Read More »
In part two of her outdoor chess series, WIM Alexey Root profiles organizers in New York City, Chicago and Fremont, CA.Read More »
US Chess is very excited to announce the US Championship Online Qualifier, presented by More »
The online cash-prize tournaments offer a high TD-to-player ratio and an organizing team that takes cheating seriously.Read More »
Have you watched the new Netflix limited series "The Queen's Gambit" yet? If not, you're one of a dwindling few! Rated 100% fresh by Rotten Tomatoes… Read More »
WIM Dr. Alexey Root looks at international outdoor chess and interviews Jeffrey Vollmer, who organizes US Chess-rated outdoor tournaments in St.… Read More »