Annotated Games

Nepo and Carlsen, Rd 10, 2021 World Ch
Faced with the choice to fight or regroup, GM Ian Nepomniachtchi chose the latter in the tenth game of the 2021 FIDE World Chess Championship. After… Read More »
Nepo, Game 9, WCH on FIDE stream
It’s getting hard to watch. A clearly out-of-sorts GM Ian Nepomniachtchi lost his second consecutive game at the 2021 FIDE World… Read More »
Nepomniachtchi, Rd 8
It’s Sunday Funday indeed for GM Magnus Carlsen, who has won a second game at the 2021 FIDE World Championship to take a two-point lead (5-3) in the… Read More »
World Champion GM Magnus Carlsen
Both players were seeing sideways during Saturday's Game 7, the quickest played yet after a record 136-move decisive game on Friday night.Read More »
Magnus Carlsen at 2021 WCh
After five years, 19 games, and a record-shattering 136 moves, we have a decisive result in a World Chess Championship game. Image… Read More »
Nepo and Carlsen, Rd 5, 2021 World Ch
The World Champion's appearance was under scrutiny during Wednesday's fifth game of his title match against GM Ian Nepomniachtchi.Read More »
Nepo drinks tea Rd4 2021 WCh
The fans are beginning to get restless. And so, perhaps, are the players. The fourth round of the 2021 World Chess Championship saw World… Read More »
Carlsen and Nepomniachtchi at the board, Round 2, 2021 WCh
In Round 2 of the 2021 FIDE World Chess Championship, current champion GM Magnus Carlsen unleashed a rare idea in the Open Catalan, giving up a pawn… Read More »
For the fourteenth and final installment of his “Candidates Game of the Day” series, GM Jacob Aagaard has analyzed GM Ding Liren's victory over GM… Read More »
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