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The Grandmasters of the Grand Chess Tour, Your Next Move: Anand, Aronian, Nakamura, So, Giri, Caruana, Vachier-Lagrave, Mamedyarov, Karjakin and...… Read More »
CHERRY HILL, NEW JERSEY -We are delighted to announce the organization of the 2nd World Junior Chess Championship for the Disabled. Under the… Read More »
GM Sam Shankland, Photo IM Eric Rosen US Champion Sam Shankland is not slowing down. After winning the Championship ahead of the American "Big Three… Read More »
Perhaps, it was the heat wave that inflamed the 311 players who came out over Memorial Day Weekend to contest BayAreaChess’ Best of the West Class...… Read More »
If Memorial Weekend is meant to kick off the summer tournament circuit, then one of the best places to get started was the 6th Annual Cherry Blossom… Read More »
Fabiano Caruana vs. Hikaru Nakamura, Photo Cathy Rogers Three US Amigos Star in Norwegian Supertournament Stavanger, the fjordland home of the Norway… Read More »
Nazi Paikidze after winning the 2018 US Women's Championship. Photo: Lennart Ootes Nazi Paikidze 2018 and 2016 U.S. Women's Champion and… Read More »
Fabiano Caruana reenacting his 2014 Sinquefield Cup victory pose. Photo: Lennart Ootes Fabiano Caruana 2018 World Championship Challenger and Super… Read More »
Elementary National Championships, Photo Eric Rosen Are you a chess parent? Give us your input for a story by Jennifer Vallens in an upcoming issue… Read More »
We are thrilled to announce the 2018 Annual Awards Winners, including Woman Chess Player of the Year, Sabina Foisor, "I am honored and humbled to...… Read More »
