In the News

Justus Williams, Photo Tim Hanks Results are in at the K-12 Grade Nationals. Big winners included Justus Williams in the 12th grade section, who tied… Read More »
Max Lu, who recently became the youngest US Chess master ever. It's difficult to defend the position of top seed. Everything to lose, and little to… Read More »
Chess is a game that is full of maxims. We all know the ones about developing our pieces and getting our kings to safety. One which rings just as… Read More »
GM Irina Krush The Grade Nationals are back at the Coronado Springs Disney Resort in Orlando, Florida. This is my first time at this venue, but it's… Read More »
Two other “A’s” were prominent in this year's American Open, as GM Varuzhan Akobian and IM Dionisio Aldama emerged on top with 6½ points of 8 in the… Read More »
The K-12 Grade Nationals in Orlando kicked off with record breaking attendance, with 1725 players pre-registered for the Main Event, the highest… Read More »
Sixteen-year-old prodigy and current Chinese Champion, Wei Yi, won the China Kings and Queens tournament in convincing fashion. The tournament was a… Read More »
IM Andrey Gorovets Philadelphia — Two IMs joined a GM in a three-way tie for first place in the National Chess Congress over the Thanksgiving weekend… Read More »
Congratulations to Akshita Gorti for winning the 2015 WGM Norm Tournament held in Manchester, NH by Relyea Chess with a score of 7. Her favorite game… Read More »
It is a rare player who can attain a Master’s rating in both OTB and in correspondence play. Such a player is Kevin Bachler of Park Ridge, Illinois… Read More »
