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Top U.S. stars Hikaru Nakamura and Wesley So meet Friday after mounting come-from-behind wins in the quarterfinals.Read More »
Winners from the U1600 and U2000 qualifiers last weekend earned invitations to the following rounds.Read More »
Finding gratitude in 2020 might be more difficult than in past years. As we enter the unofficial kickoff to the holiday season, US Chess has much to… Read More »
US Chess is proud to announce that, after some technical difficulties, all four of our podcasts are back online and available at all your favorite...… Read More »
Before you strap on the feedbag tomorrow, earn all those calories with some chess puzzles today with this week's Wednesday Workout! We start off...… Read More »
The US Chess Nominating Committee (Committee) has completed its work for the 2021 US Chess Executive Board election. The Committee recommends the...… Read More »
The online Olympiad for the disabled has drawn nearly 400 competitors representing 45 different countries.Read More »
The November installment of Chess Underground's second season, Tournament Life, checks in with Isaac Steincamp, director of strategy at As… Read More »
The "Queen's Gambit Effect" is causing a boost in interest in chess and US Chess is celebrating with a new class for female members at… Read More »
Free Thanksgiving Chess Camp! November 27th, 28th and 29th, 10:00 am until 4:00 pm PT. Sign up at DailyChessMusings.comRead More »
