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Postponed since March 2020, the event that determines the next challenger to World Champion Magnus Carlsen will resume Monday in Yekaterinburg,… Read More »
US Chess has learned that IA Ken Ballou has died. Ballou, a life member of US Chess, directed 291 tournaments according to his records, with a total… Read More »
The American junior stars were solid in the Polgar Challenge, the first event of the $100,000 series showcasing the world's next generation of talent… Read More »
Hey! Long time, no talk. Are you ready to get to work and start solving? First up: five mates of increasing length. Then we'll test our hand at five… Read More »
Welcome to the April 2021 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication...… Read More »
Important Notice to all Tournament Directors, Organizers, and Affiliates The past year has been one with significant changes in our industry. Due to… Read More »
The UT-Rio Grande Valley won the 2021 President's Cup, the "Final Four of Chess," topping Saint Louis University, Webster and Texas Tech in April.… Read More »
Carissa Yip, Awonder Liang and Christopher Yoo will play in a series of high-stakes international Junior events organized by the World Champion's… Read More »
Today’s guest on Cover Stories with Chess Life is pulling double-duty: he is the author of the April 2021 cover story, and he is also its subject. GM… Read More »
In our ongoing initiatives to make online rated play more available and to provide more certainty about the integrity of online games, the US Chess… Read More »
