US Chess to Offer Women's Beginner's Classes Taught by NM Laura Smith

NM Laura Smith


The "Queen's Gambit Effect" is causing a boost in interest in chess and US Chess is celebrating with a new class for female members at

We've already seen a substantial spike in membership numbers in November, as reported by the New York Times, which quoted our own Dan Lucas on a US Chess membership bump " We are hearing from our members that many of them are renewing or rejoining specifically because of the series." Salon, the Mic and NPR also reported on this phenomenon. Many of the newcomers to our game are women, so US Chess decided to offer a special Beginner's class for female members. The class will be taught by National Master Laura Smith and is scheduled for the week after Thanksgiving. The date will be either Monday or Thursday based on poll results, and we’re update this article with the final date.

We also have our "Madwoman's Book Club", which is open to women of all levels. Our December session is December 18th at 8 PM EST and our book is Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes by Maria Konnikova. Sign up at

For more on the Queen’s Gambit, check out the full contents of our November issue, free to all, and listen to the latest episode of Ladies Knight.
