Mayor Francis Slay, Sinq Cup Champ Levon Aronian, Rex and Dr. Jeanne Sinquefield. Slay was recognized as this year's "Special Friend of Chess" while Rex and Jeanne won Gold Koltinowski Medals, Photo Cathy Rogers
The annual US Chess award recipients have been announced. The winners will be recognized on August 6, 2016 at the luncheon, held in conjunction with
the US Open and Delegates Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana. Congratulations to all and find out more about
the US Open here.
- Distinguished Service Award – Bill Goichberg (NY), Dewain Barber (SCA)
- Outstanding Career Achievement Award – Carl Dotson (IL), Riley Dan (OH), Sharon Driver (OH), Larry Bell (KY), Roger Gotschall (IA) - Posthumously
- Special Services Award –David Moody (MI), John Hilbert (NY), Dennis Monokroussos (IN), Guy Hoffman (WI), David and Sheila Heiser (IL)
- Meritorious Services Award – Mike Joelson (OH), Hans Multhopp (OH), Joe Riegsecker (IN), Roger Blaine (IN)
- Committee of the Year – Women’s Committee

The Girls Club room at the Us Elementary Nationals was organized by US Chess's Women's Committee, Photo Jim Doyle

Janelle Losoff and Maureen Grimaud, co-chairs of the US Chess Womens committee
- Chess City of the Year – Louisville, KY
- Koltanowski Awards - Gold – Dr. Jeanne and Rex Sinquefield (MO), Gold – Frank P. Samford III (AL)
- Scholastic Service Award - Kevin Fite (MI)
- Organizer of the Year – Alex Relyea (NH)
- Frank J. Marshall Award – GM Alex Onischuk (TX), GM Irina Krush (NY)
- Grandmaster of the Year – GM Fabiano Caruana (MO)
- Honorary Chess Mate – David Grimaud (SC)
- Chess Club of the Year – Sacramento Chess Club
- College of the Year – Oberlin College (OH)
- Tournament Director of the Year – Tom Langland (NCA)
- Tournament Director Lifetime Achievement Award – Walter Brown (TN), Sevan Muradian (IL) - Posthumously
- Outstanding Player Achievement Award – Jeffrey Xiong (TX)

Jeffrey Xiong, Photo by Austin Fuller, Courtesy STL Chess Club
- Outstanding Team Performance Award – 2015 World Team Championship (GM Sam Shankland, GM Alex Lenderman, GM Alex Onishuk, GM Daniel Naroditsky, GM Varuzhan Akobian, Coach GM Gregory Kaidanov)
- Woman Chessplayer of the Year Award – Carissa Yip (MA)

Carissa Yip v Tatev Abrahamyan, Photo by Austin Fuller from 2016 US Chess Champs from STL Chess Club
- Special Friend of US Chess – Francis Slay (MO)