Check is in the Mail, October: What's New is Old!

We welcome Jeff French as the new editor. It is ironic that Jeff was a student and chess club member of Alex Dunne's in high school in northeast Pennsylvania. He also played Alex in over-the-board games. He contributed to the online Chess Life memorial for Alex.

Jeff has played chess for over 50 years, since he was 11 years old. In 2014, Jeff's chess journalist career began when he became the Texas Knights editor for the Texas Chess Association. In 2018, after editing 27 issues, he had to resign as editor due to professional career requirements. But, after retiring from that career in late 2021, and then trying his hand at mobile application development, he returned in 2022 as the Texas Knights editor. In late 2023, he accepted the post of assistant editor for the Correspondence Chess League of America's publication, The Chess Correspondent. Just recently, after editing another 12 issues, Jeff left his post as Texas Knights editor. Realizing he now had some extra time on his hands, and after some conversations with me he has agreed to fill the role of the Check is in the Mail editor!

Michael D. Buss
US Chess CC Coordinator

If you have played any games of interest, please email them for possible publication in the Check is in the Mail to Jeff.


To kick off the return of the Check is in the Mail column, I have included games from tournaments that started in either 2021 or 2024. Immediately following those games, I've added some tactics puzzles for your enjoyment.

In the From the Front Office section is the final matchup game between John Walton and Michael Buss from the 2018 Golden Knights Final tournament.

Unless otherwise noted, all games have gone through a ChessBase Tactical Analysis using the Fritz 19 engine, at which time annotations and variations are added.


Game 1

This game was played by John Finnegan and Samvel Martirosyan using the English Opening: Four Knights Variation. During this game, from the USCF/EK/24EN05 tournament, John forced a resignation on move 28.



Game 2

This game was played by Richard Ralls and Joseph Korman using the Exchange Grünfeld: Classical Line: 10. Be3 cxd4 11. cxd4. During this game, from the USCF/WS/24VP12 tournament, Richard forced a resignation on move 31.



Game 3

This game was played by Daniel Garnett and Byron Berger using the Scandinavian Defense. During this game, from the USCF/WS/24VP13 tournament, Byron forced a resignation on move 52.



Game 4

This game was played by Thomas Segreto and Charles Renfroe using the King's Indian: Classical: 6. Be2, unusual replies including 6. ...c5 and 6. ...Bg4. From the USCF/WS/24W11 tournament, it took 50 moves for Thomas to coax a resignation from his opponent.



Game 5

This game was played by Kevin Buswell and Weston Howard using the Slav Defense: 3. Nf3 sidelines and 3. ...Nf6 4. e3 Bg4. From the USCF/WS/24W13 tournament, Kevin forced a resignation from his opponent in 29 moves.



Game 6 - Annotated by Egbert Schroeer

This game was played by Egbert Schroeer and Matthew Nohr using the King's Indian: Classical Main Line (6. ...e5 7 0-0 Nc6): 8 Be3 and 8 d5 Ne7, not Ne1. From the USCF/2021 Electronic Knights Final/21ENf tournament, it took Egbert 54 moves to force a resignation from his opponent.




Here are some puzzles from the provided games, the answers can be found by scrolling to the very end of this page.

Puzzle 1

Puzzle 2

Puzzle 3




Latest Move: 25. ... g6

Latest Move: 25. ... Qf2

Latest Move: 18. ... Rdh8

White to Move

White to Move

White to Move


I hope you enjoyed the games and puzzles!
Look for the next issue to be available around December 1st.


From the Front Office

Michael D. Buss, US Chess Correspondence Coordinator

2018 Golden Knights Final

The 2018 Golden Knights finished in early July. 105 players entered competition in 15 preliminary sections. Play continued in five semifinals culminating with a finals section of seven players. Michael Buss garnered his fifth Golden Knights championship, going +5 =0 -1 in the finals suffering a loss to second place finisher John Walton (2022 Absolute co-champion). Overall, Buss went +16 =1 -1 over the three rounds.

The Walton-Buss Game - Annotated by Michael Buss





Weighted Points



Michael Buss




John Walton




Gary Adams




David Drevinsky




James Ellis




Christian Von Huene




Michael Buss




Richard Barber




James Ellis




Thomas Babcock




Electronic Knights

On January 1st, the Electronic Knights transitioned from email to the ICCF webserver.

Currently, the 2024 edition has nine sections in play.

The 2022 semifinals began on September 9th. Section standings can be found both here and here.

The 2021 final section began on January 19th. Current standings and games can be found here.


Recent Event Winners

John Collins Memorial
22C15, William Schweitzer, 5½–½
23C07, Joseph Alford, 5½–½
23C12, Gary Gallagher, 6–0

Walter Muir E-Quads
23W27, Steven Bernhardt, 5–1
23W32, Brandon Vila, 5½–½
24W04, Joseph Hawkins, 4½–½
24W04, Josh Pruett, 4½–½
24W05, David Will, 6–0
24W08, Adam Cogbill, 5½–½
24W10, Michael McCaffery, 6–0
24W11, Albert Bressler, 6–0

Victor Palciauskas Tournament
22VP03, Kenny Drombosky, 5–1
23VP10, Benjamin Hoback, 5–1
23VP15, Akshay Kotamraju, 5–1
24VP01, Gary Branton, 5½–½
24VP01, Jacob Raines, 5½–½
24VP04, Jacob Coles, 5–1
24VP08, Kenneth Harper, 6–0
24VP09, Nicholas Risko, 6–0

Answers to the Puzzles - Puzzle 1: 16. Rxg6+!! Puzzle 2: 26. Ne2! Puzzle 3: 19.Qf3
