Check is in the Mail, December: All Miniatures

In this issue of Check is in the Mail all of the games are miniatures. Miniatures, as you may know, are games that end in 25 moves or less. Unless otherwise noted, all games have gone thru a ChessBase Tactical Analysis using the Fritz 19 chess engine, at which time annotations and variations are added.


Game 1

This game was played by Wayne Lambert and John Baily using the Catalan Bogo-Indian (3. g3 Bb4+). From the Golden Knights Section 24N08 tournament, John forced a resignation in 21 moves.


Game 2

This game was played by David Will and Jon S. Leisner using the Sicilian Najdorf: Unusual White 6th moves, 6. Be3 Ng4 and 6. Be3 e5. From the USCF/WS/24W12 tournament, Jon forced a resignation in 24 moves.


Game 3

This game was played by David Jones and Jacob Raines using the Semi-Slav: Meran System: 7. ...b5 8. Bd3 a6. From the USCF/EK/24EN08 tournament, in just 18 moves Jacob forced a resignation from his opponent.


Game 4

This game was played by Colin O'Sullivan and Stefania Jesunas using the Sicilian: Moscow Variation with 3. ...Bd7. From the USCF/WS/24VP13 tournament, in just 12 moves Colin forced a resignation from his opponent.


Game 5

This game was played by Robert Irons and Joshua Miller using the Sicilian: 2.c3. From the USCF/EK/24EN03 tournament, Robert forced a resignation from his opponent in 21 moves.


Game 6

This game was played by John De Mastri and James Flesher using the Queen's Indian: Classical Variation (4. e3). From the USCF/EK/24EN03 tournament, James forced a resignation from his opponent in 25 moves.


Game 7

This game was played by Joshua Rivera and Ronald Vincent using the A40: Unusual replies to 1. d4. From the USCF/EK/24EN09 tournament, Joshua forced a resignation from his opponent in 23 moves.


Game 8

This game was played by Jonathon Silverstein and Fernando Zayas using the D00: 1. d4 d5: Unusual lines. From the USCF/WS/24VP11 tournament, Jonathon forced a resignation from his opponent in 21 moves.


Game 9

This game was played by Raymond Grinsteinner and James Letellier using the E54: Nimzo-Indian: Rubinstein: Main Line: 7. ...dxc4 8. Bxc4. From the USCF/WS/24W01 tournament, James forced a resignation from his opponent in 24 moves.


Game 10

This game was played by Michael McCaffery and Rich Day using the A13: English Opening: 1. ...e6. From the USCF/WS/24W03 tournament, Michael forced a resignation from his opponent in 21 moves.


Game 11

This game was played by Stefania Jesunas and Omri Steinberg using the C26: Vienna Game: 2. ...Nf6, sidelines. From the USCF/WS/24W08 tournament, Omri forced a resignation from his opponent in 22 moves.


Game 12

This game was played by Matthew Markland and Thomas Segreto using the B27: Sicilian: 2. Nf3, unusual Black 2nd moves. From the USCF/WS/24W18 tournament, Matthew forced a resignation from his opponent in 24 moves.



Here are some puzzles from the provided games, the answers can be found by scrolling to the very end.

Puzzle 1


Puzzle 2


Puzzle 3








Latest Move: 17. Rd2


Latest Move: 13.f4


Latest Move: 16.Nf3?

Black to Move


Black to Move


Black to Move

Puzzle 4


Puzzle 5


Puzzle 6




De Mastri-Flesher




Latest Move: 12...Nge7


Latest Move: 21...Bxe2


Latest Move: 12. Ne5

White to Move


White to Move


Black to Move

I hope you enjoyed the games and puzzles!
Have fun during the holidays, and stay safe!
Look for the next issue to be available around February 1st, 2025.


From the Front Office

Michael D. Buss, US Chess Correspondence Coordinator

A reminder to keep your US Chess membership current or risk forfeiture of all active Correspondence Chess games.

Thirty-Month Limit and Adjudications
All US Chess Correspondence Chess games must end after thirty (30) months from when the event begins. Either player may submit the game for adjudication, sent no later than one week after the tournament's end date. The player submitting the adjudication must provide the following to the TD:

a. The score of the game.
b. Diagram of the position before adjudication.
c. Claim of win or draw.
d. Any analysis to support the claim (optional).

If neither player submits the adjudication material within one week after the tournament's end date, the game is scored as a rated draw. The TD is not required to provide the basis for the adjudication result.

Recent Event Winners

John Collins Memorial
22C11 - Oswaldo Olivo - 6–0
23C01 - Ron Hall; Wesley Underwood - 5–1
23C05 - Thomas Babcock - 5½–½
23C13 - Gary Gallagher - 6–0

Walter Muir E-Quads
23W31 - Johnny Owens; Richard Ralls; Cesar Tamondong - 4–2
24W15 - Rob Larsen; Alexander George - 5–1
24W18 - Byron Berger - 5½–½

Puzzle Answers

Puzzle 1 - 17. ... Ne5!
Puzzle 2 - 13. ... Rb8!
Puzzle 3 - 16. ... Ng4!
Puzzle 4 - 13. b3!
Puzzle 5 - 22. Nxc8
Puzzle 6 - 12. ... Na5
