Posts categorized "Top american players"

Grandmaster Wesley So defended for his third title as U.S. Champion, while IM Carissa Yip earned her first crowning as the American female champion.… Read More »
GMs Wesley So, Fabiano Caruana and Sam Sevian will play a round-robin playoff for the 2021 US Chess Championship Tuesday in the Saint Louis Chess… Read More »
IM Carissa Yip will be America's next women's champion, while the World's No. 2 GM is back from the dead in the 2021 national chess championship.Read… Read More »
Everything is to play for with just two rounds remaining at the 2021 U.S. Championship and Women’s Championship. GM Fabiano Caruana defeated GM...… Read More »
The championship tournament to determine the 2021 king and queen of American chess enters its three-game finale beginning Saturday.Read More »
America's three-time Girls champion has stepped in front of a hotly contested national title fight in the Saint Louis Chess Club.Read More »
America's top-seed GM Fabiano Caruana lost back-to-back games for the first time in his history in the US Chess Championship.Read More »
A wobbly World No. 2 GM Fabiano Caruana was knocked down by 2021 US Chess Championship wildcard GM Naroditsky on Monday.Read More »
Welcome to the October 2021 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication… Read More »
IM Carissa Yip happily accepted a blunder by GM Irina Krush, while World No. 2 Fabiano Caruana was let off the hook in the fourth round of the...Read… Read More »