Super Grandmaster Chess

Magnus Carlsen, World Champion, Photo IM Eric Rosen Magnus Carlsen retained his World Championship title in a stunning rapid display,… Read More »
The final classical game in London was drawn, Photo IM Eric Rosen The twelfth straight draw at the Magnus Carlsen-Fabiano Caruana match… Read More »
Ju Wenjun retained her World Championships title, More photos Grandmaster Ju Wenjun defied the odds to defend… Read More »
Fabiano Caruana, Photo IM Eric Rosen The tenth draw of the Magnus Carlsen-Fabiano Caruana match was the wildest game yet, with each… Read More »
There was a ninth straight draw today in the match between World Champion Magnus Carlsen and American challenger Fabiano Caruana. This sets a record… Read More »
World Championship challenger Fabiano Caruana achieved a big advantage against Magnus Carlsen in today’s Game 8 of the World Championship, both on… Read More »
The most anticipated World Championship match in recent memory has just crossed the halfway point, with Magnus Carlsen employing his second straight… Read More »
Round six at the World Chess Championships, Photo Eric Rosen After a nearly flawless game five, Carlsen and Caruana continued to thrill… Read More »
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