Posts categorized "Super grandmaster chess"

The game that garnered most of the attention this round was Nakamura-Caruana, a complicated slugfest which also had the biggest effect on the...Read… Read More »
Here are annotations provided by GM Jacob Aagaard of the games from Round 8 of the 2022 FIDE Candidates Tournament. See our full coverage here and… Read More »
Quite a round today. We’re at the halfway point and, to everyone’s amazement, Ian Nepomniatchi just keeps winning. With 5½ points out of seven rounds… Read More »
Here are annotations provided by GM Jacob Aagaard of the games from Round 7 of the 2022 FIDE Candidates Tournament. See our full coverage here and… Read More »
Join GM Jacob Aagaard and Chess Life Editor John Hartmann for a special recap of the first six rounds of the 2022 FIDE Candidates tournament. https… Read More »
The pack is beginning to separate. GM Ian Nepomniachtchi leads the 2022 FIDE Candidates as we head into the second rest day, having defeated GM Jan… Read More »
The anticipated matchup between former world championship challenger GM Ian Nepomniachtchi and wünderkind GM Alireza Firouzja started brightly enough… Read More »
It had to happen sometime.Read More »
In another day of fighting chess in round two of the 2022 FIDE Candidates Tournament, GM Hikaru Nakamura showed his strength of both will and play...… Read More »
So here it is: the who, what, when, and where (to watch). We’ll leave the why to you.Read More »