The September Check is in the Mail features, Thomas Babcock, who won the 2013 John Collins 13C04 with a score of 4 ½-1 ½ adding a third John Collins… Read More »
GM Timur Gareyev talks about his blindfold chess journey, and gives practical tips on players wishing to improve their blindfold skills, or use...… Read More »
As our three top US players advance to round four of the World Cup, Vanessa West goes over some key tactical blows by our team.Read More »
GM Julio Becerra won his seventh Florida State Championship in Orlando, despite losing his first game in the competition.Read More »
Ian Rogers analyzes Americans in round two of the World Cup in Baku, as our top three Grandmasters Nakamura, Caruana and So advance to round three.… Read More »
The US team scored a perfect 4/5 in round two, game 1 at the World Cup in Baku. The five Americans who advanced mathematically couldn't score more...… Read More »
GM Ian Rogers reports on Americans in round 1 of the World Cup in Baku, pinpointing some key games like Nakamura's round 1 demolition & Shankland… Read More »
Hikaru Nakamura, Fabiano Caruana, Wesley So and Sam Shankland all advanced to round two of the World Cup while Alexander Onischuk and Sam Sevian head… Read More »
Nine-year-old Max Lu (CT) became the youngest US Chess Master at a quad in Scarsdale last week, beating the record previously held by Awonder Liang… Read More »
In the first game of round 1 matches, our Americans scored 5.5/9. Highlights included a stalemate hold by GM Sevian over GM Radjabov and a win by...… Read More »