Gibraltar David Paravyan and Tan Zhongyi (Niki Riga) 22nd ranked GM David Paravyan was the surprise winner of the 2020 Gibraltar Masters, winning a… Read More »
With so much great material here at Chess Life Online, it’s easy to miss something that you might otherwise have wanted to read. So we here at US...… Read More »
US Chess Executive Director Carol Meyer reports from Abu Dhabi: US Chess is participating in the FIDE Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) in Abu...… Read More »
On Saturday, February 29th, streamer and WFM Alexandra Botez's series of Saturday matches to raise awareness and funds for US Chess Women continues… Read More »
The inaugural season of Chess Underground, Americana comes to a close. The examination of chess in the US began with flash mobs and beer and… Read More »
The 2020 U.S. Amateur Team West Championship concluded in spectacular fashion on Presidents’ Day evening. After a final day of battle between some...… Read More »
For a chess tournament, the Dreaming King Open situates itself in an exquisite location: with a vivid, clear lake, reflecting the equally clear sky… Read More »
Dr. Tim Redman served twice as President of US Chess, from 1981-1984 and again from 2000-2001. He was also the founder, in 1996, of The University of… Read More »
WFM Alexandra Botez, as featured on NBC, continues her US Chess Women fundraiser series on this week. On Saturday, February 22nd… Read More »
World Chess Hall of Fame chief curator Shannon Bailey joins Jennifer Shahade on the latest episode of Ladies Knight. Shannon talks about some of her… Read More »