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There are a number of clarification changes that have been implemented in the Tournament Director Certification Rules, effective February 10, 2022.… Read More »
just the Rules by Tim Just
It’s the small stuff that makes up the quality of a good tournament experience. You have some control over that. Have a look at an… Read More »
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Image In our ongoing initiatives to make online rated… Read More »
just the Rules by Tim Just
Image   Let’s start out the year by putting on… Read More »
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The FIDE Council recently approved changes to the Qualification Commission (QC) regulations, which come into effect on January 1, 2022. These changes… Read More »
Tim Just, CLO columnist
Forgetting to bring your chess clock to a tournament has the potential to make for a difficult day.Read More »
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The return to OTB chess has been robust for several months, and the rules suspension originally announced in March 2020 are no longer in effect.Read… Read More »
USCF logo
The return to OTB chess has been robust for several months, and the rules suspension originally announced in March 2020 are no longer in effect.Read… Read More »
Tim Just, CLO columnist
A new set of rules for correspondence chess in the 7th edition of the US Chess Rulebook are scheduled to kick in on October 1.Read More »
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