Posts categorized "Problems-&-puzzles"

For this week's Wednesday Workout, we take a deep dive into the author's seventh-round game from the 2024 National Open, held June 5 through 9 in Las… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday continues the Chess Life Kids Opening Project, looking at more thematic IQP breaks in the Panov Attack against the Caro… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout takes a trip back Atlanta as we c ouronclude series from the spring scholastic championship season. Download our...Read… Read More »
This month's Chess Life Kids issue features another installment of the CLK Opening Project, this time on the Panov variation against the Caro-Kann...… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout takes a trip to Atlanta as we continue our series from the spring scholastic championship season. Download our… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday concludes our series from the 2024 scholastic championship season. Download our printable worksheet or solve along with… Read More »
We continue our series of puzzles from the scholastic season with the second installment from the 2024 National Elementary School Championship in...… Read More »
We continue our series of puzzles from the scholastic season with the second installment from the 2024 National Elementary School Championship in...… Read More »
We continue our series of puzzles from the scholastic season with the first installment from the 2024 National Elementary School Championship in...… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout continues our series of tactical highlights from this season's scholastic national championships. Enjoy a mixture of...… Read More »