Posts categorized "Problems & puzzles"

This month's Wednesday Workout will highlight a number of games played at the 2023 FIDE World Rapid and Blitz and Women's Rapid and Blitz...Read More…
This week's Tactics Tuesday features a number of forced checkmates from the 2023 FIDE World Rapid and Women's World Rapid championships. The theme is… Read More »
Our final Wednesday Workout of the year goes back to the Gashimov Memorial for a second installment of rapid and blitz highlights. Think of this as… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout starts a two-part series on the 2023 Gashimov Memorial rapid and blitz event, featuring a number of prominent top...… Read More »
This week's exercises all come courtesy from the eighth round 2023 London Chess Classic match-up between French GM Jules Moussard and British IM...… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout returns to the European Team Championships. This week, we turn focus to the Women's section, where Bulgaria won the… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout pulls from the recently concluded 2023 European Team Championships. Full standings are available here, and Serbia...… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday concludes our exploration of the Scandinavian by looking at the thematic d4-d5 break to open up the center, which is...… Read More »
GM Fabiano Caruana won the 2023 Saint Louis Rapid and Blitz, overtaking GM Ray Robson shortly into the first day of blitz and never looking back. The… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday pays homage to one of #TeamScandi's most beloved and ardent leaders: IM John Bartholomew. The popular YouTuber and...Read… Read More »