Posts categorized "Problems & puzzles"

American GM Hans Niemann took clear first in the 2024 Grenke Open with a phenomenal 8/9 score. This week's Workout highlights a few key moments (and… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday continues the Chess Life Kids Opening Project as we take a look at even more tactical themes in the French Exchange...… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout concludes our series on tactics from the 2024 American Cup. Be sure to check out last week's worksheet, as well as our… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday continues the Chess Life Kids Opening Project as we take a look at tactical themes in the French Exchange variation...… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout features some highlights from the 2024 American Cup. Enjoy a number of variations, time scrambles, and brilliancies...… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday continues on last week's coverage of the 2024 American Cup. Enjoy highlights from time scrambles and more. Download our… Read More »
Last week's Tactics Tuesday saw some highlights of recent state scholastic tournaments held across the southeastern U.S., where top boards were...… Read More »
With the conclusion of the 2024 American Cup, it is time to look back at some of the time scramble tactics that percolated throughout the event...… Read More »
This week's Wednesday Workout highlights the games of three popular streamers who competed in the Prague Chess Festival Open: Andrea Botez and WFM...… Read More »
This week's Tactics Tuesday pulls from the State Scholastic Championships from four southeastern states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia,… Read More »