Posts categorized "Kids"

Check out the new HBO Max reality challenge Karma. Teenagers from all over the US travel to a remote forest. Eighteen who make the cut will form nine… Read More »
Amidst the troubling times of COVID-19, and with the wreckage of all the cancelled over-the-board tournaments, I decided to compete in the Pacific...… Read More »
17-year-old WIM and FM Thalia Cervantes, who recently started streaming, will face a fun challenge on Saturday night on the BotezLive twitch channel… Read More »
Short messages from some of the staff members that would have been at the National Elementary (K-6) Championship, National Junior High (K-9)...Read… Read More »
Welcome to the June 2020 edition of “One Move at a Time,” the US Chess podcast in which Dan Lucas, the Senior Director of Strategic Communication...… Read More »
WIM Ivette Garcia Morales will appear in our June 4 Girls Club class on Zoom and will teach both Spanish AND chess. This event, which is open to...… Read More »
A joint effort of the US Chess Trust, US Chess, and the National Scholastic Chess Foundation. The 501(c)(3) US Chess Federation and the US Chess… Read More »
US Women's Champion WGM Jennifer Yu is the next guest in our weekly girls club classes. US Chess Members can sign up using this form. This week's...… Read More »
A mere month after the third meeting of “Promoting to Queens,” which took place on a yacht, our lives had been turned upside down by the pandemic...… Read More »
Jennifer Shahade talks to 16-year-old International Master Carissa Yip on the newest episode of Ladies Knight. The popular two-time US Junior Girls… Read More »